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Dry Reeds


Há 7 anos lideramos o mercado com nossos ingredientes orgânicos e livres de quimicos e produtos sinteticos , hoje em dia muitas marcas de cosméticos e cabeleireiros  oferecer-lhe a ideia de que basta ter produtos veganos ou usar ingredientes naturais, claro que é sempre melhor que corantes sintéticos ou ingredientes artificiais. Mas sabendo que a pele absorve 70% de todos os produtos cosméticos que usamos todos os dias. Nossa principal preocupação é oferecer verdadeiramente a solução mais limpa e saudável para seu cabelo e sua saúde. Fomos marcas selecionadas que trarão a você uma seleção premium de ingredientes que partem de terra limpa, são construídos com energia renovável e entregues em garrafas de vidro contra qualquer tipo de manipulação química ou conservante desagradável. Estamos orgulhosos de poder oferecer-lhe os nossos cosméticos verdes. Nossos estilistas que estão em constante treinamento poderão lhe oferecer um atendimento muito personalizado e poderão lhe oferecer cores feitas de flores, aquarela semi-demi e cores permanentes que não sejam danificadas por produtos químicos.


Estamos excluindo do nosso salão sem parabenos, SEM SILICONE  ,SEM SLS/SLES, SEM FRAGRÂNCIAS SINTÉTICAS,SEM FTALATOS,SEM EDTA,SEM OGM, free off, ppd resorcina, resorcinol, amônia, formaldeído, níquel e plásticos  !




Se você condena a poluição, então a superembalagem deve ser abolida. Caso contrário, você não é sustentável. Eliminar o supérfluo: usar garrafas de vidro e tubos de alumínio significa embrulhar de forma segura, protetora e resistente, sem necessidade de adicionais!


Nós somos quem somos e e daí!!!

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Many hair coloring effects do not involve lightening the hair, just adding colour; effects like grey coverage, enriching, or darkening the hair. Peroxide is a bleaching agent, so why use bleach for adding colour? The reason is, that in a regular salon even black hair dye requires hydrogen peroxide developer to activate. For our non Amonium color we use a catalyser made of a flower called illipe for our colors.

Our permanente and semi permante color Made of 35% of Sage will give your hair and your scalp will be protected , nutrished and stabilized.

We can also offer you a demi permanente color made of a flower named papa miele. It contain  high level of sugar that will bring to your hair a strong nutrition. its the perfect color for those that need and color and at the same time a treatment. 


Botanical and water based color 

Water Colour is the first water-activated hair colouring range of it’s kind that is highly effective and can cover  80% to 90 % of white/grey hair, enriching, and darkening. Water Colour is completely harmless and is made without the common hair dye allergen, PPD.  Suitable for covering any hair type, virgin, chemically coloured, bleached or grey hair. Water Colour can be used to tone, blend in grey like a demi, or provide more solid coverage like a permanent tint. Water Colour Non Lightening does not lift the natural colour, it simply adds colour, without any scalp irritation, hair damage or increased processing times. Water Colour is long-lasting  and is generally topped-up monthly.




It could be a kink, an off fringe, curly side bits, curly top section, afro, chemo curls, whatever; relaxing hair has always been just about the most damaging thing you can do to hair and to your health. The chemicals used to relax or straighten hair are very strong such as formoldheyde and cabocisteina, and severe hair damage from hair straightening is more common than any other form of chemical salon service. we use an organic acid and an riched formula made of coconut rich in vitamine E  



Regular salons still use high lift colourants, oil and powdered hydrogen peroxide developer to lighten the hair. Our bleach is made of argila have no amonium and have no sintetic ingredient. 

Our colouring and bleaching world offers unique agricosmetic benefits, enveloping fragrances and feelings, perfect coverage performance and absolute respect for hair. 

Intense and long-lasting nuances allow exploring the universe of colours and creating brilliant and refined fashion effects, making use of the beneficial properties of extraordinary plant-based active ingredients which simultaneously regenerate the hair structure.

Smoothing, nourishing and polishing colour treatments, enriched with high-quality micro-pigments, biodynamic extracts, pure oils and plant proteins.

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